Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Just Liam

Ok, this is getting to me more of an album than a weblog, but bare with me for a while, please. First of all, I do think these days that nothing is as good as watching him, so all my words get in the way of another picture of him. Second, I don't have that much time to type away... But I do have a lot to tell. About how he was born, and my first days with him, and the world we are exploring together, and the way I am very happy to have my body back, and..... well, there's a lot to tell.
All of that later. For now: Liam was born on Tuesday, July 27th at 22.03 pm. He weighed 4230 gram at that day, but by now (3 wks old) he has gained a lot and is at 4900. So he's quite a big boy. To me, he appears to be a rather serious boy, looking out into the world like he's thinking a lot. But that also might be caused by his first problem in life: he has a lot of stomach cramps. And by 'a lot', I mean A LOT! He has got some medicine for it, which helps a bit. I hope that he will have outgrown most of it by six wks (that's what they tell me will probably happen), but right now that seems hard to believe.

When he's not troubled by the cramps, he likes looking out into the world a lot. But whenever that happens, I'm so busy entertaining him, that I forget to make pictures, which is why he is mostly shot sleeping...

As for me, I'm doing fine. The first week was kind of tough, with a lot of information to process, trying to get back on my feet and thus gaining back a little bit of my independence, hormones raging throught my body and head, and a very, very overwhelming load of - at the risk of sounding sentimental, but hey, I AM sentimental these days - love for Liam. I never knew I had it in me, but now it's definitely there...What a boy, what great happiness. Lucky me.
Gotta go, he's waking up.

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