Thursday, February 26, 2009

Solo road trip, part two

Driving along the coast in Australia has been a lot of fun. I don't think I've ever seen so many different colors of green in one frame. And though I didn't see any actual koala's or kangaroo's, it's nice to see the signs warning me of them. I did find a dog running next to my car, though, but the car behind me stopped to save it from getting injured.
Australia is a beautiful, beautiful country. The skies are a perfect blue, as is the sea. The people are nice and relaxed. The food is great, the cappuchino's taste better than they do in Italy.

Weird signs on the way draw my attention and get me thinking. Like: 'Windmills for sale". One: why are they in the Dutch windmill business. Two: I can understand a situation where you have one windmill and you want to sell it. But how to you get into the position of being the seller of multiple windmills? And if there is such a job as a windmill realtor, howcome I as a Dutch girl have never heard of it?
Another sign got me worried. "Oil spill. Traffic hazard ahead." it said. So I kind of slowed down a little, in the expectance of finding some kind of black stains on the road or something. But nothing happened. 50 ks further along, still no signs of any oil spills. And then I started thinking again: if there was such a thing as an oil spill, wouldn't the traffic police do better cleaning it up as fast as possible instead of making a sign saying there is an oil spill? Maybe they did both things simultaneously (communication is a human miracle after all - don't get me started on the buzz word my former colleagues used to throw at anybody not having it their way) and later on thought it might be a good way enforcing speed reduction, so they let the sign be for a while --- this is what my mind is doing on my road trip, people, it's about time I get back to work and use my energy for more constructive thinking.

One moment I want home, the next I want comfort zone, the next I feel I am the luckiest person alive, then I'm lauging my socks off because of something funny I've thought up or seen, then I'm scared of people stealing my passport, then I'm annoyed with someone not bringing me my coffee fast enough, then I write and my thoughts vanish into thin air, then I'm grateful for such a nice coffee, then I love the sun, then I miss talking to people who know me, then I try out my English accent on the locals and am disappointed when they catch me on it, then I read my email smiling and want home again, then I eat sushi for under 10 euros and spend an hour watching all the sushi going round and round on the belt, then I sleep and wake up and do it all over again.

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