Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Bring it on!

Ok, so my last airplane, the one taking me from Koh Samui to Bangkok, was quite a marvel of science: it looked like it wouldn't, but it did fly! And the breezy air against my left side, that came from the emergency doors, weren't all that uncomfortable either. Hey, who doesn't like fresh air!? And I never ate a bun that solid in my life ever! All kinds of new experiences aboard Bangkok Airways! Highly recommendable! Right in the middle of take-off, a guy behind me, who was wearing a heavy black leather jacket, had his phone going off and he was told off by the stewardess who, as it happened, was sitting right beside us in her slide-out-of-the-closet-super-duper-stewardess-chair.

Oh well. We got there.

And my arrival in Bangkok marked the end of the first leg of my trip. Today I ran all over MBK - the Bangkok MEKKA OF SHOPPING (sorry, don't mean to shout, but at the mbk you can get everything you ever thought you wanted for at least half the price you can get somewhere else. It has 7 stories, a cinema and a 1000 cheap restaurants) and bought things I didn't mean to buy (GREEN CONVERSE ALL STARS, PEOPLE!!!) and ate things I didn't mean to eat (LEMONGRASS IS THE NEW BASIL, FOLKS!!!). Tonight I will pack my bag and tomorrow I'll have a final dip in the pool of my hotel, eat my final pieces of Thai Sushi and will slowly head for the airport. I say slowly, because there isn't getting anywhere fast in this kind of traffic.

Qantas Airways will take me to the country that right now has severe thunderstorms, floodings and even a small typhoon. Just my luck. Nothing but sun in the past month over there (believe me, I checked) and now the towns have flooded, taking all kinds of poisonous snakes and crocodiles with them.

I'll start with taking Sydney by storm and then we'll see who's talking floodings!

The bad news is that I've got a 9-hour-flight ahead of me. And the people who know me know what that means. If you don't, check out any episode of the A-team and see BA board an airplane... The good news is that I'm moving on, on my own, wherever I want to go.

I' ll get there. Can't wait for part 2 of my trip. Bring it on!

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